Tutorial: Using the Remix Feature in Adobe Audition CC 2015
This tutorial demonstrates Adobe Audition's Remix feature, which allows you to shorten the length of a music track to match the duration of your video edit.
Welcome to this tutorial on using the remix feature in Adobe Audition Creative Cloud 2015. For those of you who haven’t experimented with Adobe Audition, this tutorial will spotlight one of the many powerful features this program offers. Audition is an audio editing program that ships with the Creative Cloud Suite, and it works amazingly well with Adobe Premiere Pro.
In this tutorial, I’m going to demonstrate the Remix feature, which allows you to shorten the length of a music track to match the duration of your video edit. I think we’ve all been in the situation where we needed to shorten a piece of music to match our video, but for whatever reason, we can’t quite get it to sound right. Even if you’re an expert with music composition, this feature could save you loads of time when you're in a hurry.
Sending Your Track to Audition
The first thing you'll want to do is to make sure you have the most recent update of Adobe Audition in order to use this feature. At this writing, that would be Adobe Audition CC 2015.
Starting in Premiere Pro, I’ve got some footage assembled in a timeline. I also have a music track on the Audio 1 track, and as you can see in Figure 1 (below), it's quite a bit longer than my video edit.

Figure 1. The music track I’ve chosen is too long for my edited video sequence. Click the image to see it at full size.
In order to send this project off to Audition, go to the toolbar and choose Edit > Edit in Adobe Audition > Sequence (Figure 2, below).

Figure 2. Sending the audio track to Adobe Audition.
In the pop-up window that appears (Figure 3, below), make sure that you’re saving your work to the same location as the rest of your project files. The default setting enabled is to use Adobe Dynamic Link to send your video to Audition. I recommend keeping this on so that you can see how your video matches up with the remixed music in Audition. Once you press OK, your project will launch in Adobe Audition.

Figure 3. Make sure you’re saving your work to the same location as the rest of your project files.
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